Returns & Refunds

Returns & Refunds

Eligibility criteria

  • To be eligible for a refund or exchange, the product must be purchased within one year
  • The item must be sent back to us, partly or fully used, but in the same bottle or tub that it was delivered in
  • To process your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase
    Situations where only partial or no refunds are granted (if applicable)
  • Any item not in its original packaging
  • Any item where the product label is removed
  • Any item where the bottle/container is damaged or broken
  • Any item that is returned more than one year after delivery
  • Customer providing incorrect address

Refunds (if applicable)

After receiving and inspecting the returned product, we send an email to the respective customer to confirm that we have received the item. Customers are also notified of the approval or rejection of their refund.

If approved, the refund is processed and a credit is automatically applied to the customer’s credit card, or original method of payment, within a few days.

Partial refund due to incomplete or incorrect address

Our shipping labels are printed automatically from the order received, if shipping address is incomplete or incorrect, parcel may not get delivered. In such situations the parcels are returned back to us by the shipping company. In such situations, the customer will not receive full refund and the shipment charges from to and fro will be calculated and deduced from the original paid invoice, even if customer has opted out for a free shipping or other cheaper shipping options.

If you still haven any concern regarding this, please contact us on support(at)

Late or missing refunds (if applicable)

  • If the refunded amount has not been received, please check your back account once again
  • Contact your credit card company to confirm as it may take some time before your refund is officially posted
  • Contact your bank to confirm as there is often a processing time before a refund is posted


If you still haven’t received your refund, please contact us on support(at)

Faulty Items

  • Any item that is faulty please keep hold of the item and send us a photo via email to support(at)
  • We will most likely request for the item to be returned before we can send a replacement or refund.
  • Do not dispose of the item or package.

Exchanges (if applicable)

Products in certain conditions may be replaced. To exchange a product for the same item, please send us an email on support(at), for details on how to proceed.

Return shipping

To return the product, please email us on support(at) for details on how and where to send the parcel. 

We issue our own return labels and will not offer refunds on postage costs if you use your own shipping method for returning an order. 

The delivery time for the exchanged product may vary depending on the shipping address of the customer.