black seed oil for pets

Black Seed Oil for Pets (Especially Dogs!)

Black seed oil proves itself as one of the most powerful and effective herbal products for a number of uses and advantages. But what about using black seed oil for pets?

The versatile ingredients in black seed oil ensure that it’s safe for both us humans and animals. You may already be aware that Egyptians used black seeds as did many cultures such as the Chinese, so looking to share and expand our knowledge and awareness of this small but powerful blessed seed to the animal kingdom may just be our next step.

One of the greatest things about black seed oil for pets is that there is no harm present. In other words, this herbal product is completely compatible with dogs!

Let’s explore some of the positive effects black seed oil can have on dogs.


Allergies are not very rare nowadays with all the flea bites and insects roaming free. The result of flea and other insect bites can include severe itching and also breathing problems. Fortunately, black seed oil has a number of unique properties to help with this problem for pets.

Dogs can react to the release of histamines which are very common. The process is very similar to that of humans, so it is no wonder we should be looking for a herbal, safe and effective treatment for our canine companions. Black seed oil neutralizes the histamines and allergies, allowing for a swift recovery. Pain can be relieved, inflammation lessened, and the immune system strengthened.

In terms of the prostaglandins already mentioned, there is a balancing and harmonizing effect.

Inflammation, Arthritis, and Rheumatism

The effects of anti-inflammation and related positive benefits (anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, etc.) intrinsically affect dogs. The oil relieves pain and calms inflammation, also strengthening the immune system and sparking the dog’s own healing mechanisms.

Degeneration is combated and any arthritis-related problems are reversed.

Epilepsy and Immune Boost

Even a pet’s epilepsy can be helped with black seed oil. Administering black seed oil internally through a feed can reduce seizures. Regarding being an immune booster, the amount of potential ailments black seed oil could cure for pets, or at least act as preventative healthcare for, are endless. The powerful effect of this special seed on the immune system of pets cannot go unnoticed.

Eczema and Respiratory Problems

Eczema and a range of other skin conditions for pets can be soothed and healed with black seed oil. Pain, inflammation and internal imbalances can all be healed, and the pet’s body’s systems can all be restored to prime and optimum health. Just like with the link allergies have to breathing problems, respiratory problems in dogs are allowed to be relieved when black seed oil is given internally.

Ticks and Grooming!

One of the main issues for dogs is ticks, so how wonderful that black seed oil for pets is a real thing. Furthermore, this seed oil can be used as a form of beauty care. The coats of dogs can be groomed, and when applied topically, a dog’s ‘skin’ can shine.

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