A Mom to Be? Here’s What You Need to Know

Mothers always describe motherhood as the best experience ever in their life. They say when they gave birth to their children, life started to have a meaning. The moment a woman knows she is pregnant; she feels that she owns the world but let’s agree that motherhood is a challenge. We can say that it is a bitter-sweet experience since being a mother is not easy. There are some things you should know as a mom-to-be before giving birth:


You have to be prepared to feed your baby every 2 hours and sometimes more. Your baby is hungry most of the time. Now your baby is your boss. Don’t lose your mind or get crazy at any hour you have to be there next to him to breastfeed him. Breastfeeding would take a while. Therefore, keep something you enjoy near you, such as books/mobile/tablet handy to read. When breastfeeding your baby, sit on a comfortable couch or chair in the living room or bedroom. This will keep you sane and happy. Also, your baby will be comfortable feeding in different positions. The recommended advice is not feeding on one side but rather both sides every time.

No Sleep

You are going to sleep a maximum of 5 hours at night if you are lucky. Having a baby means that sleeping turns out to be your greatest goal. Sometimes, you are going to wake up the whole night, especially if the baby can’t sleep. After 4- 6 months or more the baby starts to sleep well all night and so will you.

Postpartum Depression

You’re spending your whole day feeding your baby, burping him, cleaning dirty diapers, playing with him, and sleeping him. It is a new tough mission. There is no chance to have time for yourself and make something you love, go to parties, or watch movies. Your life will turn to this scenario the moment you deliver a baby. But always remind yourself you have a lovely gift in your arms that is your baby and this baby needs you the most physically and emotionally. These days are going to end so enjoy every moment of motherhood and try to be happy.


Pamper yourself

Try to take a break once you have the chance for one hour or less. Even if you see it impossible, create the chance out of nowhere. This break will change your entire mood. Go for a walk with someone you love, talk to your friends, take a long shower, cook and eat your favorite meal, sleep well, dance, or do anything crazy. Don’t deal with this break as something not important; it is very crucial not only for you but also for your baby. As long as your mental health is good, you can continue giving and taking care of your baby. 


Don’t buy all the stuff

There are many commercial products that you will not need so don’t waste your money and buy it. These products like a stroller, baby carrier, high chair, baby bouncer, teethers, baby monitor, etc.

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