black seed oil spice

Black Seed Oil and Food

Black Seed Oil and Food – Everything That You Need to Know

For millennia, people have used the power of Black Seed Oil to cure all sorts of uses. More recent times, the evidence from scientific studies has only proven what we already know – Black Seed Oil can help with a huge range of situations.

The Nigella Sativa plant from which the oil comes is truly one of the most versatile in the world. But how do you take it?

At The Blessed Seed, we offer Black Seed Oil products in a range of different forms. Many of our customers decide to buy our capsules, which allow you to take the oil much like you’d take many other forms of medicine. This gives you the benefits of the oil without the sharp taste. But everyone is different with their own unique tastes and preferences. Some of our customers prefer taking Black Seed Oil in its un-encapsulated form, this allows for more creative ways of taking Black Seed Oil.

Let’s take a look at how Black Seed Oil can become a regular part of your meal plan.

The Strong Taste

First, let’s talk about taste. Black Seed Oil certainly has a strong flavor that may even seem a little off-putting at first. Many people liken it to other strong herbs, such as pepper and cumin.

Some people may need to overcome the strong taste or find ways to mask it in order to enjoy the effects of Black Seed Oil. But if the taste is a little too much for you, our strong black seed oil capsules eliminate the issue and ensure you get to enjoy all of the amazing benefits.

Mix it With a Drink

Black Seed Oil can be taken on its own, with nothing added to it. If you decide to go down that route, it’s important that you manage your doses. It’s always best to start off on a low dose and gradually build up to higher doses if required, that way you get accustomed to the oil and get the best from it.

Some of our customers prefer to add a few drops in a drink. This dilutes the oil, which also dilutes the taste. Add a few drops of black seed oil in some water with a hint of lemon for an enjoyable and refreshing experience.

You can also mix it easily with yogurt and honey. Again, this helps to soften the sharp taste and might be the method of choice for those who find the oil a little powerful on its own. A little sweetness can go a long way. Some of our customers find this to be a tasty dessert option.

Black Seed Oil and Food

Black seed oil can be drizzled on salads and similar dishes. You could also use it as a drizzle on meat and fish dishes perfect for the summer months if you want a light meal.

The rule is: Keep it raw and you get the best effects.

The Final Word

Give your juices, meat dishes and yogurts an aromatic twist by adding a few drops of Black Seed oil, for those of you that find the taste a bit too strong, this is the perfect way to take it and get all the benefits from this amazing oil. It’s a delight for your taste buds and an experience you would love to repeat.

Now that you have some useful and tasty tips from reading this blog you just need the oil itself. Visit our online store to find the most potent Black Seed Oil available and start your journey towards a better you.

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